

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Rylee | Four Month Portraits

In my opinion, one of the most bittersweet things in life is seeing my babies grow up. I probably have thousands of pictures of my own three children at various times in their lives. I know I will treasure them all when they are grown and have moved out and have families of their own. It's not something I like to think about, but I know letting go is part of being a parent.

Not long ago, I had the privilege of photographing a sweet little newborn girl named Rylee. She is now an adorable four-month-old with the most precious smile you've ever seen. I know the last four months have flown for her sweet parents, and I have treasured being able to document parts of their journey as a family over the last couple of years. At Rylee's newborn session, I asked her mommy, Fallyn, if she would be willing to let me come over every few months and document a little bit of Rylee's first year of life. I'm so glad she said yes.

Rylee, you are the cutest four-month-old ever. I can't wait to see your sweet cheeks again!